Victim vs. Victor Presentation

Listen to this audio recording from Master Trainer Dave Ellis, with a pen and paper. Journal when the prompts arise. Pause and journal when anything comes up for you! Follow the prompts below when the recoding is finished. Please feel free to share in the comment section here.

If you'd like to watch his video of it instead, it's a bit slower but has the visual elements:

Insights, Intentions, and Feedback:

I discovered that I . . . (or, I rediscovered that I …, I learned that I …, I relearned that I ... , or I celebrate that I ...)

I intend to . . . (or, I might ... , I'll try to ... , I plan to …, I promise to ... , or I will …)

My questions or comments are . . .

My opinion of this is . . .

Complete and Continue  